Sending Crash Reports

If Stache is crashing, we may request crash logs from you to help us diagnose any issues.

Crash logs contain information about what the app was doing just prior to the crash.

Stache for Mac

To find a log file, go to ~/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports/ in the Finder. You may have to hold down the option key when using the Go menu in the Finder to open the Library folder (this is required in OS X 10.7 and above).

Stache for iOS

After syncing your phone with iTunes, you can find crash reports on your computer in the following locations:

If you use a Mac:


Note: The ~ in the above stands for your Home folder.

If you're running Vista or Windows 7:

C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Apple computer\Logs\CrashReporter\MobileDevice\DEVICE_NAME

If you're running Windows XP:

C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Application Data\Apple computer\Logs\CrashReporter\DEVICE_NAME


Any of the files from this folder which start with 'Stache' might be able to help us in resolving the crash.

Sending Reports

If you could kindly send these files to along with an explanation of what you were going when the crash happened, we will look in to the issue and keep you informed as to when a fix is available.


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