If you wish to remove your Stache data from iCloud you will need to stop Stache from syncing with iCloud first. Only then can you delete the data from iCloud.
1. Quit Stache on all of your devices
2. Disable Stache in the 'iCloud Documents & Data' settings on all of your devices:
On Mac: Apple Menu () > System Preferences > iCloud > Documents & Data > Options > Stache is UNCHECKED AND Stache Helper is UNCHECKED.
On iOS: Settings App > iCloud > Documents & Data > Stache toggle is OFF
3. Delete iCloud Data:
On Mac: Apple Menu () > System Preferences > iCloud > Manage... > Stache > Delete All
On iOS: Settings App > iCloud > Storage & Backup > Manage Storage > Stache > Edit > Delete All
When you perform this action on one device it should reflect on all the other devices as well, but we highly recommend checking that the data no longer exists on all of your devices before launching Stache again.