Stache Helper and Menu Bar Item

By default the Stache Helper will run on startup. The Stache Helper will run in the background and allow you to add bookmarks to Stache from the browser extensions and browser bookmarklet without the need to run the main Stache app.


Menu Bar Item

The Stache Helper is running if you can see the Stache menu bar item in the main menu bar at the top right of your screen.

Clicking on the menu bar item will launch Stache or make it the front most window if it is already running.


Quitting the Stache Helper

1. Launch Stache

2. Go to 'Preferences' in the 'Stache' menu item or hit Cmd+,

3. Click 'Quit Helper'.


Toggle launching Stache Helper on Startup

1. Launch Stache

2. Go to 'Preferences' in the 'Stache' menu item or hit Cmd+,

3. Check/uncheck 'Launch Helper on Startup'

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